Transformer Arm Technology.

Every Energy Healer has their own Unique Multidimensional Gifts.

These Transformer arms that I woke up to is a spiritual technology that can do Multidimensional operations in all the dimensions simultaneously. Meaning, that I can clear all the clutter in your Energyfield so that your Electric Power FLOWS MORE and gives you more personal power to create, manifest and be the optimal version of you.

When I do such an operation, my arms automatically transform into all different kind of ‘tools’ in the ether, to clear energies, change frequencies and free up your vertical channel of empowerment.

It helps you release old patterns, beliefs, karma, trauma and limitations that no longer serve you. So that you can step deeper into your power and collapse a lot of time to live your highest timeline manifestations

The only thing the transformer arms can’t touch, is truth. Love and Light. Everything that isn’t light, everything that got distorted, manipulated, or damaged along the way of being human, in this life, past lifes and/or ancestral lifes, will be cleaned up in the ethers and open your energy field up to receive more light, power and love.

As it aligns you with your truth, love, and light, it supports your evolution towards sovereignty.

These Transformer arms allow you to expand beyond your wildest dreams as you will step up your Leadership game. Like all creation, this is a co-creation, you still have to change your patterns and take the powerful actions. It just becomes easier to do so. Then the possibilities can be infinite. As are the tools they can transform into, to do their multidimensional operations.

The Transformer arms can not change anything that has been manifested into something physical. They can not clear away illness, as an illness is energy that already turned into matter. Rather, it is to prevent illness. Because we are always, Energy first, that becomes matter over time.

The Catalyser

Book a single 1:1 session with me where I will be diving into your Energy Field and clear everything that I see that there is to clear, so that your vertical channel of Sovereignty gets deepend, widened and freed up to more light. Catalysing your spiritual gifts, and Vertical personal power.

The Truth Aligner

In this 6 week journey together we will dive super deep into what stands between you and your truth. Whether you want to have better relationships, more visibility in your online business or want to connect deeper with your inner child.

Check out the Transformer arms

co-creation with the Deities here.