The Catalyzer

The Catalyser

If you’re feeling stuck in your business or life, you’ve tried all the strategies, mindset work and energywork, but you still don’t see the results you would like.

Then this Energy Surgery session with my transformer arms might be able to help you further along!

I'll operate your energy field in a way that all the blocks that I can see, that are preventing you from being in your power and making money, gets cleared.

My arms transform into energetic tools while I can see with my third eye very clearly what is in your field that blocks your power. This can be for example cultural programs, (pastlife) trauma, entities and/or ancestral karma.

This session will give you effortless alignment,
more clarity around your intuition and inner guidance.

A deeper and stronger connection with your higherself embodiment. So that wisdom and answers for you to make your business work, can come to you with more ease.

This is an online session through zoom.
It takes 1.5  to 2 hours of your time.
Let's co create some deep magic together! 

The Catalyser
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The Catalyser
Sale Price:€365.00 Original Price:€1,111.00
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Every person is different and every session is different, Mapije can not guarantee results.
For Mental illness and/or (Mental) Health issues, Mapije recommends seeing a Therapist or a Doctor.